Tuesday, March 31, 2020

"The more that you read....."

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." Dr Seuss

Hi Everyone, before I left school i raided the library and grabbed all these books! I love reading so i knew id need a few to keep me going over the break. Hopefully you have a few at home - otherwise there are a few ways you can get books to read online for free too. I would love to hear about what you are currently reading. Im going  to do a quick review of each as i finish them. 

The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern. This book is Epic. It is Crazy. It is hard to describe. There are people, pirates, cats, a kitchen that makes anything you want, underground libraries, hidden rooms, stories that become reality and reality that becomes stories! If you love books you will love this book about books!


  1. Kia ora Mark!

    So great to see you got your blog up and running - I found you through some comments you were making on student work! I too have a HEAP of books, I am enjoying the time to settle down and read a bit. I have already finished two so far... what is your favourite genre of novel?

    - Miss Birtch

  2. Hi Miss Birch, i like to read to escape a bit from reality so my favorite genre is fantasy realism but i like a good mix of styles. I've just finished Steve Jobs's Autobiography today. Enjoy your reading!

  3. So this is where all the good books went. :) I love the description of The Starless Sea and think I might just borrow that when we are able to be back at school! I have used this time also to catch up on a bit of reading and am 4 down and halfway through the 5th! I'm a bit all over the place with my genre and love recommendations from others. One of my favourite childhood books is a collection of poems by Shel Silverstein - Where the Sidewalk Ends. Miss L

    1. I brought The Starless Sea just before the lockdown because her previous book The Night Circus is in my top ten favorites - ive got both books so am happy to lend you copies when we are back at school.
