Sunday, April 12, 2020

Grow it, eat it!

So one of the things I've noticed during the lockdown is that lots of people are getting into gardening!
Since we finished school i have been lucky enough to be working my way through a tree of peaches, two trees of apples, and today Iwas able to collect the first of my feijoas!
Below is a picture of some of the fruit, veges and herbs that I've got in the garden at the moment.

From the top left there is mint, lemons, bay, rosemary, cauliflower, parsley, apples, feijoa, capsicans, corn, chillies and rhubarb. Over the break ive been planning what else i could plant. Ive also been working on a website for my other job as a landscape designer. We are designing a page to help people who want to be able to grow their own food.
I thought that some of you might like to have a go at designing your own dream garden with lots of edible plants. The first step would be to make a list of all the things you want to be able to have in your garden. To get started try making a list of what you want using the following headings:

  • What sort of structures do i want in my garden? (shed, glasshouse, compost bins)
  • Fruit trees (apples, pears, peaches)
  • Herbs (mint, basil)
  • Citrus (lemon, grapefruit)
  • Vegetables
  • Berries
  • Anything else?
Once you have a list of everything you want to include you could start thinking about how to design your dream garden and where everything will go. Do some research on vege gardens and see what ideas you can come up with.
Next time i do a blog post i will give you some ideas about how you can make a plan of your garden at home and you might be able to use that as the location for your design.
I'd love to see what you come up with!


  1. Mark I am so envious of your garden, yet at the same time i know it must take such a long time to maintain all this. I myself have an apricots, lemon, lime tree that has not fruited since i planted it, kiwifruit, feijoa and two apple trees. Question about your apple trees, what preparation or maintenance do you do to prevent pest infestation. I have sprayed them with copper spray a couple of times and this has helped, but my red apples particularly are just ravaged with pests and it's such a waste.

    1. Hi, it does take a lot of work but i enjoy it so it is easy to do! I actually dont do any spraying of my trees- I tend to go for prevention - i try to keep the soil healthy with lots of compost and i make my own seaweed fertiliser to give extra nutrients. Weekly good soaking with water is also important. Like us, most plants can fight off diseases when they are healthy but if they are struggling for water or nutrients they are more likely to get sick. I also have lots of companion planting and flowers around to keep all the good insects and polinaters happy!
